Welcome to a new journey!

Hello everyone! So this is my first blog post and I’ll just introduce why I even started it in the first place. Also address why I didn’t use my previous blog as a continuation. Hopefully it will be different from the “about” page in this blog but I guess you could say the rationale behind this is similar. This would be slightly long so that’s why the read more post comes out heh… (btw somehow my tagline is not showing on phone mode… ITS SO IMPORTANT AND MEANINGFUL FOR ME WHY THEY DO THIS… so yes if you can view it on computer 😉 )

Years have passed since I last made my blog entry, if I’m not wrong, the last was in 2018 which makes this the first post in 4 years. So the reason why I didn’t write for 4 years was because it was when I started NS and subsequently University. I rarely have the time to go back to my laptop to write a post (even though I could also do it from phone which I am now :3) but yes, I keep track of my reflections in my instagram instead. It was a tough journey, definitely a lot to take in and I was still on the road to recovery with regards to my mental health. With gruelling trainings and shouting/screamings, days were not as easy but surprisingly it shaped my thinking and allowed me to have the time to recover and come to realisation of a couple of things. Whether its school, NS or just my people skills in general. Of course its still a work in progress cause improvement can always be made. I honestly don’t know where to start, and I also don’t want to summarise everything that happened in 4 years because that’s… pretty hellish to summarise and read… so moving on to why I created this blog!

Why I started this blog

I’ve completed 2 years of my Uni and starting my final year soon with internship coming up in July. So, I thought that since my final year and subsequent work years are going to be how I am focusing on being a good researcher on the road to become a lecturer, it would be good to keep track of this journey which is probably going to be a big part of my life. Another reason is because I want to cultivate back the habit of expressing my thoughts again! I think having a blog is pretty fun, though not everyone would read it because they think its 🥱🥱🥱 so most of it is actually for my benefit lol. That would sum up the 2 key reasons why I created this blog.

Regarding the frequency of posting probably not everyday (actually I will try to make it as close to this as possible) because there will be days that I wouldn’t want to write and just give my mind a break or some time to think about before posting. I do have a habit of posting my blog post with minimal names of others because I want to keep it discrete but every now and then I do name some of them because they mean a lot to me. Regardless, we’ll see how it goess. Thank you for reading to this point and I hope you enjoy this journey with me!

Just some quotes to start off!
This is me at the time of this post loll

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